Tuesday, August 25, 2020

 Gurur Brahma Gurur Vishnu Gurur Devo Maheshwara

Teachers or Gurus!! Someone from whom you can learn something. Value of teachers in our life is explained by God himself.

Guru “Govind vDou Khade Kake Lagu Pay,

Balihari Guru Apki Govind Diyo Batay”

It means that if both God and your Guru are standing in front of you, you must bow in front of your Guru first.

Have you ever wondered that not only the teachers of your educational institute teach you, but you can also learn so much from your surroundings? Mother Nature is our first teacher, teaching us so many life values. But as it is with us humans, we never show any gratitude to her. These 

include living and non- living things. Let me give you a few examples.



You all know the texture of rocks. It is very hard and unbreakable but when it comes in contact with the air and water, it gets eroded and turns into fertile soil. This is something big that we can learn from it. Because many of us don’t want to change even in unfavourable conditions and ultimately feel broken. But if we could learn to adapt according to the situations in our life, we could also lead to a productive life.

If your nature is like a rock,

Your heart is always in state of shock



Rivers keep flowing till they meet the ocean. And if they are unable to find their way, they change their course and continue to flow. Our lives would be simpler if we could learn this and make this our habit. If something bad happens in our life, we keep overthinking about it, and get depressed. We must learn to move on however hard the situation is. And in our course of life, if we face a closed door, we can always go for other viable options and restart. We should not let our life become stagnant till our final journey. As we all know “Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara”.

When rivers can open a new door,

Why do you have to incessantly knock on a closed door?



Without trees there can be no life on earth. But if we observe carefully, there are so many things that we can learn from the trees. The roots of the trees give them the sturdiness to bear the wrath of storms. Why can’t we make our roots so strong that we are able to bear the storms in our life? With the right amount of knowledge and skills, we can be so strongly and deeply rooted, that we would be able to face any kind of storm in our lives.

Again trees give us shade, fruits, flowers, wood and yeah how could I forget oxygen, without any expectation. This is what we should practice. Help the needy without any expectation. But what do we do? We help in the aspiration of name and fame. Lending a selfless hand like trees do should be our motto.

Like trees, lend a hand without any expectation,

For this society , you have to become an inspiration.



Fresh flowers can anytime uplift our mood. Their fragrance can freshen up the ambience instantly.

We can learn the quality of smiling from them. Flowers like roses bloom in thorns. We tend to droop as soon as any thorn of sadness pricks us. We must learn from flowers to remain happy in difficult times too.

Again flowers like lotuses bloom in mud. From it we can learn that even if we are surrounded by this uncivilized society, we must not lose our original good qualities.

Bad company should not hamper the beauty of our soul.

Smile through your difficult times like flowers do,

Include in your life some happy hours too.



Birds are the only animals bestowed with wings. When a bird sits on a branch of a tree, it trusts its wings and does not depend on the branch. What we do, we start trusting the Godfather in our lives and hence forget all our personal strengths. We depend too much on the compass rather than the sail itself.

Birds teach their young ones to be independent as soon as they start flying, whereas we keep on spoon feeding our children till their adulthood, sometimes even after that.

Let your child explore the bright blue sky,

They will themselves know how to fly.



Ants, microscopic animals, yet there is a lot to learn from them. Their hard work has no comparison at all. The way they collect their food is really commendable. The best thing about them is that they move in groups always and the discipline they show is mind blowing isn’t it? You must have observed a line of ants. What we can learn from ants is unity. We all know the proverb “united we stand, divided we fall”. And yes, of course, the discipline. Leading a disciplined life is so mandatory to achieve success.

Never leave a stone unturned to achieve your aim,

Calculate the hard work required for the same.

Small babies


The loveliest creation of God is a small baby. We can forget all our sorrows, anxieties, stress just by holding a smiling baby in our hands. Why can’t this whole world be as innocent as a baby? A baby is a pure soul, as we grow up, the dirt of treachery, rivalry, jealousy, anger and greediness gets accumulated on our divine soul.

A baby always lives in the moment, least worried about the future. We adults are always worried about our past and future and the present slips from our hand like sand.

The innocence of a child, the way they squeal on small things is what we can embed in ourselves.

Demon of progress has engulfed the natural innocence,

Betrayal faithless is life’s new essence.


These are just a few things from which we could learn something. There are many more, we just need to be more vigilant. Learning is an eternal process. Schools can give you bookish knowledge but this way of learning from nature and the ecosystem can take your soul to a different level altogether.

With Teacher’s Day approaching on the calendar, I salute all these unconventional teachers from the bottom of my heart. 


Show some gratitude to our mother nature,

She is of course our first unpaid teacher,

Values learned are more precious than school lecture,

Only being more human would be the right gesture.






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